Saturday, May 10, 2008

My Biggest Cheerleader

We are training for a half-marathon in June and a several Saturday ago we were to run a 8 miler. We started off from home, with our water and gel packs ready for the challenge...

Running is more of a mental and physical challenge for me than my husband. My husband can just take off with strides of gracefulness and speed making running look like walking. I, on the other hand, start off with the first mile gasping for air, concentrating on the miles, strides, breathing, and my own running rhythm. After that first mile or so, I start to feel the endorphins quick in and I begin to enjoy the exercise and beauty around me.

Being that my husband is a natural runner and I am not, we have found a great way to "run" together. We will start at the same point and usually run in a opposite directions around the course/circle. This way, he can keep an eye on me and I can see his wonderful smile and high-five as we pass each other. It works well.

The story goes like this.. Several weeks ago, I was .5 miles away from the "finish" line, and I twisted my ankle... badly! I started limping home and called my husband to come and pick me up. Of course, he came and got me with the biggest grin on his face and several praises of doing such a great job and how he was so proud of me. He instantly put me on the couch for a little TLC/RICE (tender, loving, care/rest, ice, compress, elevate).

Well, this injury has put me out of commission for the last several weeks. I thought that I would be ready for a run this past Saturday, yet with my husband's gentle direction, encouraged me to just rest and make sure that it truly ready for the run. I was so discouraged, because I felt ready to run and try to pick up the mileage again. As I moped around the home because I couldn't run, guess who came along side and said... "babe, I am still so proud of you!"...My husband!

He has been truly wonderful throughout this entire injury. It is not been an option to help me around the house, "ground me to the couch" while he does housework, etc. In another week or so, I hope to have my running shoes on and continue training. In the meantime, I am listening to the best coach and cheerleader of the year!


Susan said...

That is just great Ally. I ran my first Half Marathon yesterday. I lost out on 5 weeks of training, so my time was not good. But I was glad to finish. My hubs would rather die than run!!That is neat that your man is able to be there and run by.

Rally said...

Thank you Susan for the recommendation and encouragement! Congrats on your 1/2 yesterday! That's awesome. I too am just hoping to finish well.

Brie said...

I love the way you guys came up to "run" with each other. My husband and I are so similar in that I really dislike running, but he loves it. I've been trying to work at getting better so we can run together when we travel. I'll have to give you way a shot.

Hope your ankle is feeling better soon!